Monday, November 14, 2011

Some more of Loviathan.

Another one from Andy Mac's upcoming book, Loviathan. One of my favourite moments from the book. Beautifully modelled by Sam Terry. Thanks Sam!

Giving an effective youth talk....

So I'm trying this new thing.....
When I give a youth group talk I'm going to draw cartoons to go with it. I'm working hard to engage the visual learners and the support kids. It worked quite well when I spoke on Matthew 6:20b- "your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." It takes a bit of extra time, but I think it helped them engage a bit better.
Everyone loves cartoons, right?
And they are kind of "doug & gladys-y" which is fun for me. I should probably get around to doing more of those...
So here's a selection of the ones from mtt 6:20.

'Nuff said.

Listen to Jesus!

Little girl lost.

So this is another pic from this year. It's an illustration for an upcoming book by Australian writer, Andy Mac. A little girl, who has been through a lot and is already disillusioned by the world. I'm kind of proud of this one.

Friday, September 30, 2011

pictures I'm proud of.

Today is the first day of my holidays. And I'm wondering, apart from work for my client, what I'm goint to draw. So in honour of the impending HSC, here is a tiny look at something I spent many hours on this time 11 years ago, my year 12 major work. My friend Marga is in the thick of HSC study, and I don't miss it. I had a dream last night I had to go back to high school to finish some subjects, and I have to say, it was a nightmare. But these images bring back pleasant memories. Memories of a drive and ambition to create and be beautiful & precise that I think I have lost slightly. Maybe its time to stop trying to create the art I feel like I'm "supposed" to create, and go back to what I loved.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Guess who?

Here are some more old ones. I'm a bit of an old fashioned girl, at heart. My mum always said that she thinks I was born about 50 years too late. As a kid I was obsessed with Judy Garland and all things Gene Kelly. And I loved to challenge myself to draw people and make them look as much like they were supposed to as possible. So here are some early celebs, some of which I drew in high school. This is what I spent my time on instead of the school certificate. Ha!

Its been a long time, baby.

It's been a while. But, in an effort to reinvigorate this part of my life, here are some of the few things I've done this year. Hoping to post much more regularly from now on! Let me know if you have any requests and maybe I'll do something just for you.
